High Holidays Appeal - shanghaijewishcenter.com
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High Holidays Appeal

  • To our Dear Friends,

    We are happy to be able to share with you a positive update about the Shanghai Jewish Center!

    Thank G-d, things are slowly picking up and the ‘rebuilding’ has begun. 

    The several families and individuals who have stayed throughout the whole challenging time period are enjoying continued joyous Jewish experiences, with children’s activities and community gatherings.

    Business people from various countries are slowly being allowed entry, and those who have made it here thus far are benefitting from a warm home away from home, with delicious Kosher meals and Shabbat services.

    Tourism has not yet ‘picked up’ and our many visitors are still down to a few per month.

    We are extremely grateful for your past support, that allowed all of the above to continue during financially strapping and generally unstable times.

    Now as the New Year approaches, we have new goals and broader vision!

    Our educational institutions need to be revived; our Kosher food supply and restaurant needs to be back at full service; our staff needs to be re-hired to forge ahead and rebuild the thriving Shanghai Jewish Center that will welcome you and all our visitors, at full steam, once again.

    We ask for your continued partnership and generous support once again, for our Annual High Holiday Appeal.

    The head of the year - Rosh Hashana - is our most opportune time for Tzedakah, including donations to a Jewish cause that supports Jewish people and a Jewish lifestyle even in Shanghai!  Our sages say when we give Tzedakah at the start of a new Jewish year, we become a conduit for receiving an abundance of blessings for a year full of revealed goodness.

    We thank you again for your unwavering friendship and look forward to hearing and sharing good news and happy occasions always.

    Wishing you and yours a happy healthy and Sweet New Year,

    Rabbi Shalom and Dina Greenberg
    Shanghai Jewish Center

  • Donate


    May the merit of your Tzedaka and Ahavat Yisrael bring extra blessing to you and yours.

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